Design Inspiration #2

This post shows the most inspiring images selected by some of the Hussmir team . If you want to participate and share your graphic design inspiration, just send us your work via e-mail, send the image with the link from where you found it, also use "Design Inspiration" in the subject. (bottom of page for more info)
What these sorts of posts will cover: inspiration, graphic design, web design, illustration, art, photography, typography, logo design, posters, drawing, photoshop, fireworks, interior design, architecture, digital art, movies, product design, websites, graffiti, t-shirt design, animation and game design
If your a Graphic designer, Web designer, Illustrator, Artist, Photographer etc then send in your images to info[@] or go to our share page. Your work might get featured on the next Design Inspiration post. Send in your best work we will only show max 3 designs per person in the design inspiration post (like this one) or we will dedicate a whole post of your portfolio. Give us your name and if your designs are already out there then send the link to the page your images are on so we can link back to them.
The images must belong to you. No copyrighted material.